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C Program to Calculate the Sum of cos(x) Series.

C program to calculate the sum of cos(x)

C Program to Calculate the Sum of cos(x) Series

In this program, I have discussed about the C Program to Calculate the Sum of cos(x) Series.

The value from 0° to 180 ° in steps of 30 °  is tabulated in the main program..

double func(long);
double fact(int);
int main()
{ int i,k;long j;
{ k=func(i);
printf("The value of the series when X is %d is %d \n",i,k);
double func(long as)
{ float p=0,r; int l,e=0;
r=((3.14/180)*as);  //angle is converted into radians.
return p;
double fact(int i)
{ int u=1,y;
{ u*=y;
return u;

Just copy and paste the program in your desired compiler (Dev C++ is more preferable) and run it.

Enjoy programming in C.


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