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C Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle And Area and Circumference of Circle

C Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle And Area and Circumference of  Circle

C Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle And Area and Circumference of  Circle

In this program I have discussed about the C Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle And Area and Circumference of  Circle.

Area of a rectangle= Length * Breadth
Perimeter of a rectangle= 2*(length+breadth)

Area of a circle= 3.14* (Radius)^2
Perimeter of a circle= 2* 3.14*radius

void main()
{float rad,length,breadth,area1,area2,peri,circu;
printf("Enter the length and breadth of the rectangle:");
printf("The area of the rectangle is %f \n",area1);
printf("THe perimeter of the rectangle is %f \n",peri);
printf("Enter the radius of the circle:");
printf("The area of the circle is %f \n",area2);
printf("THe circumference of the circle is %f \n",circu);


Just copy and paste the program in your desired compiler (Dev C++ is more preferable) and run it.

Enjoy programming in C.


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