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Area of Triangle using Heron's Formula in C

Area of Triangle using Heron's Formula in C

Area of Triangle using Heron's Formula in C

 In this program, I have discussed about the Area of Triangle using Heron's Formula in C.

Heron's formula states that if a, b,c are the three sides of a triangle then the area of that triangle will be equal to [ area=sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))] , where s=(a+b+c)/2.


void main()
 float a,b,c,area,s;
printf("Enter the value of a,b,c");
printf("The area of the triangle is %f \n",area);

Just copy and paste the program in your desired compiler (Dev C++ is more preferable) and run it.

Enjoy programming in C.


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